
FAIRhub is an open source platform for sharing and accessing FAIR and AI-ready datasets. Your clinical research data can be easily shared with the world through FAIRhub in a way that it is optimally reusable by both researchers and AI applications.

The layers of FAIRhub platform

Study Management Platform

The FAIRhub study management platform integrates user-friendly interfaces, automation, and compatibility with tools like REDCap to streamline the management and sharing of AI-ready clinical research datasets.

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Platform Pipeline

The pipeline repository centrally stores scripts for managing data flow, and interacting with databases to streamline data processing workflows.

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The FAIRhub APIs connect the user interfaces of the study management platform and data portal with the backend services and web servers.

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Data Portal

The FAIRhub data portal provides easy access to well-structured, rich in metadata, FAIR, and AI-ready datasets, with a simplified mechanism available for accessing protected versions of datasets.

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